Sept. 13: A weekend-long tattoo convention came to Boston, showcasing some of the best tattoo artists and piercers worldwide. There were several best tattoo contests going My favorites were of a woman getting corset piercings on her forearms.
9/10/08: Diskovery used to be an Allston tourist attraction. With the rising student population and exponentially rising rent, the owner had to relocate to Brighton. The move has been a blow to business and she continues to struggle to break even monthly. Instead of going down to the two or three Newbury Comics stores that are located conveniently off the T stop, try taking a stroll down Washington St. and discovery what Diskovery is all about.
9/10/08: Recently opened in early 2008, Esperia Grill has gathered quite a little set of dedicated regulars that religiously gather every lunch break. Here a dentist eats his meal and fondly recounts his first Esperia falafel experience.
9/10/2008: Behind the Brighton Senior Center there is a collection of bronze children and adults, immortally stretching for an embrace. While meant to be eternalizing an intimate moment between two generations, the figures are also engulfed by a feeling of desperation.
July 10, 2008: In order to deal with skyrocketing rent prices, an attic space has been adapted into another room. The cramped a-framed space houses a recent college graduate and his cat for three hundred a month.
June 23, 2008: Local teenagers skate at Tompkins Square basketball courts. The smooth surface allows the skaters to practice tricks in a secure environment.
Feb. 2008: Portland, ME resident Ricky Small performs in an Allston basement with local Berklee band Flo. Small has recently been signed to Virgin Records and plans to spend the next year touring in California.
We are two women who love biking, animals, veganism and culinary endeavors. This is our blog which incorporates most of our interests.
About Sarah:
About Stephanie :