Sunday, March 22, 2009

King Nut Editorial Photographs

March 22-- I did a few editorial photographs commenting on the King Nut salmonella scare due to rodent excrement. Ohio-based King Nut company discovered some rodent squatters left more than a few holes on the wall in September 2008. In four months, approximately 1,000 cases have been reported in 42 states, with symptoms ranging from minor stomach illnesses to severe dehydration. Only one death has been reported.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Tapes N Tapes

Feb. 24, 2009: Tapes N Tapes played the Paradise Rock Club last Tuesday, giving a performance which cannot be described as anything but "alright." The indie-alternative rock genre certainly does have a stereotypical sound, and as far as Tapes N Tapes is concerned, they did delivered. Whether people were too occupied by nostalgic thoughts of the weekend past to dance and the band was tired from the toils of tour we'll never know, but I've seen a bigger display of energy at a classical jazz concert. Thank god for my press pass, or I would've bitterly resented the fact that the money could've bought me a record and a better time.

Synchronized Swimming

Feb. 28, 2009: Synchronized swim teams from across the nation gathered in Boston University's FitRec pool for the Invitiational Synchronized Swimming Competition on Saturday. The sport combines a synthesis of ballet's grace and swimming's lung compacity. Faces caked with oil-based makeup and hair slathered in jello, these girls took to the pool with ear to ear grins and an appetite for victory.