June 2011-
So. It's been four years since Tragedy played New England. Unfortunately I wasn't able to see them at Maryland Death Fest this year so when we discovered they were playing in Providence, a mere hour away from Boston, the answer was a hands down, emphatic HECK YES.
Not to mention, we got to visit two fabulous vegan nibble joints:
Garden Grill Cafe and
Wildflour Bakery.
In all of the excitement of vegan treats, I did not have half a mind to snap some photographs of this amazing food.
Naturally, we went for dessert before dinner.
I had the pleasure of chatting with one of the managers/owners who used to work at
City Feed in Jamaica Plain. Super knowledgable about coffee and tea, it was great to get to hear about some other eastern roasters. Thanks for letting me geek out about coffee for a little bit!
The bakery works to be as local and organic as possible, while maintaining an amazing variety of both raw and baked vegan goodies.
We snagged a slice of coconut raspberry and lemon ginger cake, along with a variety of bakery delights (cinnamon buns, lemon poppyseed muffin, a variety of savory scones, coffee cake..yes..I know..that's a lot of sugar) and WERE BLOWN AWAY.
Great job guys! Glad to see a totally vegan bakery in our general vicinity! A Boston location in the future would be really lucrative...hint hint hint.
Garden Grille is always a fabulous experience. Eggplant stuffed with tofu cheese served over grilled polenta in a marina sauce? Uhm..is this even REAL?!
Needless to say...we left satiated, satisfied and swaggering to the show.
The show was at
Industry, (ex Jerky's Bar). While there weren't a significant amount of people there, the age spectrum was pretty notable- from people barely (if even) twenty-one to old guys louging on the couches lining the walls, it was really awesome to see that variety braved it to Providence.
We ended up getting vegan ice cream milk shakes (yes, after all of the aforementioned food. I'm not joking.) and made it just in time for Tragedy.

There were several awesome photographs of the crowd, but apparently through the musical compact flash cards I've been playing at the shop and at home some of these photographs got lost in translation. So I hope this will suffice.